Deteriorated Holes Rug

Fibre deterioration can be caused by general wear, in some cases it may be due to water damage or contamination affecting the textile over time. Holes and fraying may result from pests such as moths, or pet damage from dogs and cats. Our team is trained in restoring all of these issues with sensitive and professional treatments.

If left untreated, a hole, tear or fraying of rug fibres can grow worse and lead to full deterioration of the carpet. As rugs can be an important part of interior design, as well as often being assets of high financial value, our team is able to step in to find the cause of the problem before stabilising the area and expertly restoring the damage – this will ensure that the hole or tear is not only fixed in terms of aesthetics, but also for durability into the future. 

If you have a rug or rug fragment as a wall display piece, our team can also help you to preserve and restore any issues before providing new, conservation-approved framing options including UV protective glass.

Rug fragment

Anna rug fraying

Textile Restoration

How much will my textile restoration cost?

If it is possible to be "over kept in touch" about the progress of any service, Fine Art Restoration Co. may have achieved it... restoration 100% invisible and the most engaged service level I have seen in my 55 years to date in any sphere whatsoever.

Fine Art Restoration repaired an heirloom that has been in our family for 85 years. They arranged collection and delivery so the entire process was simple and seamless. The restoration was perfect. Great service.

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