How to remove mould from a watercolour

Ideally, mould on your painting should be caught early to avoid spreading. Initial indications of mould can be identified in the appearance of a fine white fluff which forms furry patches which can spread quickly, becoming increasingly problematic for your watercolour. Mould thrives in damp conditions and recommendations for protecting your watercolour can be identified below including controlling humidity, temperature and air circulation.

However, for the treatment of mould, the infected piece should ideally be isolated and removed to an airy room whilst in the meantime, damp is treated and fumigation may in some cases be required.

How do I get rid of pests that have invaded my watercolour painting?

The materials which construct your watercolour provide a desirable environment, particularly the presence of gelatine and starch which may result in holes/ grazed surfaces. Perhaps most common and disruptive is the outbreak of silverfish. Silverfish, as the name indicates, are silver in colour with a tear-drop shaped body and they thrive in dark, damp areas of high humidity.

To protect your collection against infestation, maintaining a clean environment to remove both eggs and the food source. In addition, measures should be taken to prevent damp (i.e dehumidifiers) and maintain a well-ventilated environment.

Both of these issues should be treated by conservation professionals to remove the issue and restore the damage.